New Zealand Skålleague of the Year
Over the weekend the New Zealand Skål AGM and Congress took place at the Northern Club, hosted by the Auckland Club.
I am so proud to announce that our own Leighton Cameron was awarded the New Zealand Skålleague of the Year.
Leighton has been a Skålleague since 16 April 1996, firstly with Rotorua prior to joining the Christchurch Club in 1997. His potential and passion for Skål has been consistent with holding many roles on our own committee and being on the New Zealand Executive, with him currently our International Councillor.
At a local level he is constantly promoting and encouraging retention of membership in New Zealand’s largest club. Leighton has introduced Te Reo to our club, ensuring we proudly say our Skål toast in another one of our national languages at our get togethers. Leighton has been one of the founding supporters of Skål Christchurch bidding for the 2025 World Congress.
We are so lucky that Leighton has such an understanding wife in Kathleen, as in between being a member of the Plainsmen Barber Shop Chorus, all his Skål work and of course quality time with Tavish the Westie – there can’t be a lot of time for her…..Kathleen deserves an award as well!
On a personal note, Leighton taught me all about the Skål spirit – I put my heart and soul into Skål Christchurch for people like him. Leighton is the reason I joined Skål, he is supportive when I get shot down, he is dedicated to everyone in the club and an inspiration to us all. I know I would not have been lucky to be the inaugural New Zealand Skålleague of the Year without having Leighton as a mentor, friend and guiding light in Skål.
With what Leighton has done for Skål in New Zealand he is most deserving of this award as New Zealand’s Skålleague of the Year.
Congratulations Leighton!
Yours in Skål
Victoria Wales | President
Skål International Christchurch | Committee